Jason Paolo Telles Profile Photo


Jason Paolo Telles

PhD Candidate and Assistant Lecturer
B.Arts in Communication (University of the Philippines Baguio), M.Arts in Media Studies (University of the Philippines Diliman)
Monash University
School of Media, Film and Journalism

Jason Paolo Telles is currently a PhD Candidate at Monash University, Australia. He is also the Founder and Founding Executive Director of the Southeast Asian Media Studies Association (SEAMSA), an international, non-profit, non-government academic community that is actively committed to the study of media within the context of Southeast Asia. His research centers on critical media histories, indigenous media, the mediation of culture and/or the environment in media and popular culture, and the study of media within the context of Southeast Asian countries.

Research Interest

indigenous media, ecomedia, communication and sport, media history

Expertise Area(s)

Film, Television and Digital Media
Indigenous Self-Determination

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